Tuesday, June 29


You know your online dating life is complete when...
1. You get hit on by a wanna be storm trooper (As in he follows others around that dress up as storm troopers, because he can't afford the suit... - YES THIS MEANS YOU JOEY!)
2. Your told you smell good by the looks of your profile picture
3. Your asked to get naked, instead of an apparently old fashioned, "hello".

On the bright side... (I know I don't usually go there haha)
1. Met a wonderful boy named Ben.
2. Met a pretty boy named Ron.
3. Met a needy boy named Sean.

Saturday, June 26

Here we go again...

While I'm busy waiting for Hugh Dancy to propose I figured I would give my other options a try...
(They are so many it's crazy!!!)

First off - there are countless websites devoted to helping you in your online dating.
Love Nation  The Dating Revolution
Including a website for hire that completely takes control for you! E Flirt

Areyouinterested: (Joined)
Facebook affiliate... used in the past... several relationships (failed!!!) have resulted from this...

Zoosk : (Joined)


Ok Cupid : (Joined)


Her Way : (Joined)

The Dating Revolution : (Joined)

Step Number One:
Choose the picture!!!Zoosk

Mr. Wonderful

You know it's bad when your mother suggests you join eharmony...

During (what seems like an on going, never going to ever stop) conversation with my mother in the car today - she suggested I try a dating site. Apparently, upon my turning 21 at the end of the summer, my mother is becoming worried about my chances of finding Mr. Wonderful. Translation - grandchildren.

Eh hem, I am only 20. Yes, I have felt this pangs, slightly... however, the fact that it is also worrying her - worries me.

So to subscribe or not to subscribe? Puzzled... need help kittens!

So lately...

All that sparkles

Hello my kittens! I'm sitting in the hospital emergency room... another staff infection thanks to my lovely kiddies at work. I sincerely hate waiting more than anything in the world.
I guess its time I let you all know Big is history. Long and bloody story involving my heart being shattered. I am, however, excited to be starting at square one. N

Monday, June 21

Surviving Big

Today has been a week since I talked to Big. I can honestly say it has not been easy, but the more time I spend away from him - the easier it gets. I know i that some part of me will always love him, just because. However, I now have no regrets. I told him how I felt and asked him to choose me. He didn't. I'm actually okay with that surprisingly. I know someone will be put in my life, that is completely devoted to me. It's just not him. I can breathe easy with that fact. Some relationships are just temporary. Accepting that is the hard part.... Later my lovelies, xoxo.

Tuesday, June 15


Baby let's make love and watch Leave it to Beaver in bed for hours on end.
It's been one of those days where I'm beyond exhausted
and the only thing I want or need is you by my side.
So kiss me hard, long, and deep.
Keep me going and shut the blinds.
Nothing else could make me happier
than you saying forever.