Wednesday, April 21

Kiss Me

So let's face it, a first kiss is life changing. It can determine everything about the relationship. It can be cute, sweet, funny, passionate, sexy, or intense. (And if it's really good - it's all of the above!) From the time we are little, thanks to Disney, it is instilled in our brains that a simple kiss can move mountains. Whether you are Giselle, in Enchanted, singing to the forest creatures about the possibility of touching his lips, or Sleeping Beauty being awoken by true love's kiss - a kiss is everything.

The new one, FB, did not make his move yesterday. He has however, regretted it, apparently. We haven't stopped texting - last night and this morning he expressed his regrets. Now, all he's able to think about is kissing me. So why didn't he? The boy was beyond nervous... it was almost cute.

I've decided to give him another chance, Friday night. I like him, I really do. His texts give me butterflies and I'm hoping he will be less nervous, so I can see him shine just as much in person.

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