Thursday, January 21


I had one of those moments today... you know the ones? Where you talk to someone that makes you excited? The kind of person that you meet that just makes you walk a little taller and gives you that little swagger in your step just thinking about them?
So this guy sat next to me on the bus back to my car today and I didn't take much notice... other than he chose to sit next to me and not on one of the other million open seats on the bus. I kept catching him looking at me and then as we were almost to our stop he turns to me and compliments my binder. (Ok so my binder is no ordinary binder... I've decorated it with the likes of Audrey Hepburn, barbie, chanel, tiffany's, diamonds, lips, quotes, fashion, etc.) He was so impressed by my binder he even ventured to call me talented for design. It didn't just seem like he was talking to me about my binder, but trying to flirt. It was cute, simple, and to the point. I was flattered. I wanted to say more than thank you and respond to his quick questions, but I was tongue tied at the abruptness of his bluntness. It is fair to say he made my day... 
Classes were better today too. Everything is better when it snows and your well dressed.

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