Met Wifey for lunch! We took a quick trip to shop! (After canceling on Red with a little white lie.) I will post pictures later of the two new gorgeous rings and earrings purchased!
Work was another story... one of the kids (gasp) peed on me... I've showered since, but still feel severely dirty! I had to wear Vivians sweatpants home. Meaning - Mr. S saw me in her sweatpants and my old 007 sweatshirt. Ugh!
I tried to call Mr. Big on the way home. I know I shouldn't of, but I had to... karma working for me, he didn't answer. Wifey guilt tripped me at lunch about him btw. She said I need to cut all ties with him and move on. I realize this is the obvious choice, but how do I do that?!
Thanks to the glory of facebook, I found a long lost friend tonight. He is now a divorce marine - go figure. Still hot, btw. I still remember the last words he said to me, before he dropped out of our elite private school 9 years ago - your the only reason I stayed here as long as I did. At the time we weren't even that good of friends. I was always nice to him, but I never realized that he considered me as more than a friend then till that time. I have thought about him occasionally ever since that day. I've imagined him coming back into my life and whisking me away, because he had always been not so secretly in love with me. Instead, in our reuniting he IM'd me on facebook and said hey how's it going? Four simple words that completely crushed my fantasies of star crossed lovers. Give me time I guess?!
On the bright side I cannot wait for the movie Valentine's Day!

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